Top tips for easy leaf removal

Autumn leaves are beautiful BUT if you’ve got trees in your garden then you’re probably faced with the laborious, time-consuming task of getting rid of them!autumn

Want to save yourself a little time and effort?

These tips will get the job done fast allowing you to pursue your favourite autumn activies!

Raking: Use a lightweight, fan-shaped rake with wide, plastic tines that help reduce the time-consuming task of clearing leaves and avoid damage to your lawn. Save yourself pain and try to keep your back straight, avoid reaching too far or twisting, and alternate between your right and left hands to avoid repetitive motion.

Mowing: For a light covering of leaves on your lawn, mowing is a potentially time-saving alternative to raking. Bag attachments are most effective when there’s a light layer of leaves, as you won’t need to stop to empty the bag as often as with a heavier layer. Mulching blades are good to use early in autumn when your grass is still growing.

Blowing: If there’s a light to medium layer of leaves on your lawn, using a leaf blower is another good time-saving option. Use a flattened or curved attachment on the end – it’ll more effectively loft the leaves forward. Blowers with vacuum capabilities are particularly effective when sucking up leaves and debris in tight spots around shrubs. You may want to use earplugs to protect your ears.

Combining blowing/raking with a tarp: For heavier layers of leaves, you can save time (and possibly avoid back pain!) by blowing leaves into small piles, and raking those piles onto a tarp for easy removal. This strategy works especially well for larger lots.


  • Dry leaves are easier and less time-consuming to remove.
  • Pick up leaves throughout the season.
  • Avoid raking or blowing leaves on windy days.
  • Consider doing one area of the garden at a time, rather than trying to do the whole lot at once.
  • Wear snug-fitting gloves to avoid blisters when raking.

Try to avoid over-exertion, work in moderation and enjoy being outside during this beautiful season! For advice or to book a professional garden tidy call Cairns Tree Surgery on 0141 812 7770

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